Series: Stories Grampa Told Me

From the graphic novel series, Grampa Was an Alien comes a new lineup of books designed for both young children, who are just starting to enjoy books, and ideal for kids who are not especially thrilled with boring reading, but love funny adventures.  

These are chapter books with short paragraphs and high-quality colour illustrations on every page.  Very easy to read.  Also suitable for “read to me”.

These are the tales that Grampa Ethan told his grandchildren.  Believe them if you will, or just enjoy them for the fun of it.  They can be read in any order.


In this story we find out how on earth Lewis’ Grampa Ethan became an alien, and what happened after he did.  What happened when the other aliens met this little kid?  What did they think of him?  Some had ideas that little Ethan wasn’t at all in agreement with.  And, it wasn’t every day that an alien mom was presented with a little human boy to raise.  Some very surprised aliens came away just a little bewildered.

AGES 6 TO 11          14.94         40 reading pages


Real friendship is a rare and wonderful thing.  Ethan finds his first life-long friend in the unlikeliest place, at least, unlikely for us ordinary humans.  The very-human Ethan lives on another planet, far away from us.

No matter, a friend is a friend no matter where you find them.  A difference of species makes for a few complications; workable, but confusing.  There’s a lesson in there somewhere, if they can just see past the befuddlement.

AGES 6 TO 11            14.95             42 reading pages    


What if whoever raised you, knew nothing about humans?  What if it was an alien from another planet?

This is one of the stories of such a grampa; the ones he tells his grandchildren, about how he grew up and who raised him. Adopted by aliens, his upbringing would probably have been very different, wouldn't you think?

How dissimilar would it be?  Are alien parents really so different from human parents?  Not according to Grampa.  And, he learned his first important lesson after his adoption.  ‘Be who you are’.

The ideal book for a kid who thinks they would be better off with a completely different set of parents.

Ages 6 - 11        14.95                         40 reading pages