Grand Theft Saucer
PREVIEW - BOOK 9 - Grand Theft Saucer
SYNOPSIS: As Xerix and Torkon return home after a very informative voyage of discovery to Earth, they discover a stow-away on board their inter-stellar craft ‘Beegl’. This decidedly annoying beach-bum, Jim Bob Jones creates enough trouble that Xerix decides to drop him off on Gizmok’s neighbouring planet, Brak, but later has a change of heart. Ultimately Jim Bob is taken to Gizmok against Xerix’s better judgment.
On present-day Earth, Milly learns the difference between Big Lies and little white lies.
Paperback 80 pages ages 8-14 16.95 Available on Kindle
Please Note: Pages in this preview are second generations copies, and do not reflect the print quality of the book